Susumono Nonomono

Name... Susumono Nonomono
Nickname... Susu
Age... 30
Gender... Male
Race... Lalafell
Subrace... Dunesfolk
Orientation... Bisexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Oschon the Wanderer
Nationality... Ul'dahn
Occupation... Potion Merchant / Adventurer Moonlighter
Alignment... Neutral Good


Susumono of the present stood at 2' 9" and 61 ponz, and though skilled in his endeavors as an adventurous mage, alchemist and faithful devotee to Oschon, this lalafellin can be sort of an airhead and a victim of his own hubris, and it will show at the most unexpected of moments. He has a fair amount of strength (or, at least as much as a magician would need), but far from enough to chisel his achievements into his own body. However, the most distinctive features that dwarfed the rest were his perpetually sleepy features; his half-lidded, luminescent stare, with an eye color reminiscent of a softened, shining star, alongside purple paint streaks that loosely resembled bags under his eyes.Perhaps the most common attire in his arsenal of fashion, he wears a set of clothes consisting of abyssal blue cloths woven skillfully into a tabard and gaskins, with a turban resembling a crafter's cap. He also wears fingerstalls and sandals, preferring less protective gear for when he works at his artisan craft; More often though, nowadays, when he is not at the seat of his shop or brewing alchemical concoctions, he can be seen wearing a white beret with a celeste green or a light blue cloak, with a set of garments that border the appearance of formal clothes and seasoned adventurer's gear, decorated in all manners of brass-colored adornments, and gloves of less than pure white. He carries an apparatus that resembles a crystalline brush upon his back, and a seemingly standard Rainmaker cane at his side. In most cases, he is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, perhaps owed to his eyesight seeing better days.Another notable possession would include his pocket watch-esque medallion affixed loosely to his neck with a thick chain, with Oschon's symbol proudly engraved into the front of the mithril plate. If you were to open this pocket watch, you would not see a watch first. In fact, you'd see an ivory glove, pointing it's finger and spinning around to address seemingly random directions and locations. On the backside of the main plate, a picture of his family (or rather, a small reproduction of a painting of his family) resides within. On the backside, an intricate magic circle is engraved into the metal; it's calculated lines and faults, along with the symbol of Oschon, emit a faint light every so often, as aether slowly illuminated the strange device.


Susumono is generally crass, bawdy, and doesn't hold his sharp tongue in an altercation. However, despite his usual demeanor, he is often respectful and charming in his own strange way. Generally, more often than not, he is friendly and not incredibly difficult to talk to, so long as you're not running into his store and breaking all of his potions, or insulting his mother.


Witty Remarks
Being Challenged
Exploring and Wandering
The Color Purple


Being Threatened
Boring Obligations
Solitary Confinement
Voidsent Gnats
Losing People Close to Him

Relationships (NPCs)

Susuko Suko ( Family ) ( NPC ) - Adoptive Mother:
Susumono's adoptive mother, who lives somewhere in Ul'dah with her loving husband. She herself is a skilled alchemist, and an overall hotheaded mother, who does not consider retirement as an option.

Rorosona Lolosona ( Family ) ( NPC ) - Adoptive Father:
Susumono's adoptive father, who is not quite that great at alchemy, but is instead a general merchant who can sell his wares well (or at least used to be able to). He has a history as a gladiator in his younger days, to which he'll always regale to those willing to hear him ramble for hours.

Beniston ( Family ) ( NPC ) - Red Chocobo:
Usually Susumono's right-hand man when it comes to carrying goods from one place to another. However, he tends to be wayward and rebellious at times. It is unknown at this time whether Beniston hails from Rabanastre or is simply an Ishgardian-native chocobo that stumbled it's way into a vat of dye, but the bird showcases occasional bouts of conceptual intelligence that stem beyond aggressive dragon-chasing, and wields both the power of flight and thaumaturgy.

Shi (Family ) ( NPC ) - Wind-Up Succubus Mammet:
One of Susumono's successful experiments, where he had wired a mammet's heart into a wind-up doll of suitable size. However, there was no room for a voice box, so it doesn't have the capacity to speak.

Plutarch ( Friendly ) ( NPC ) - Teacher of Blue Magic: (Deceased)
A man who resold the book and stone of blue to Susumono's doorstep, an air of mystery (and a stench of dubiousness) surrounds this scruffy midlander Hyur. Quite frankly, it remains to be said whether he could even be trusted. He had given his life to fight alongside Susumono Nonomono and Nonope Nope to defeat The Beast of the West, a powerful undead archmage.

H (Uhhh...) (NPC) - A Big Worker Hornet...?:
A huge hornet Ohzi let loose in Susumono's shop. The rather specially inclined miqo'te refuses to let Su burn it to a crisp, and in lieu of ending it's fragile life, he simply feeds it water and sugar as if it were a pet, letting it live in it's corner.
As of late though, it has not been seen anywhere.

Relationships (PC)

Halcule Lucidoux ( Accquaintance ) ( PC ) - Curio Shop Businessman
A hyur businessman who runs his own curio shop in a hole in the wall around the Brume in Ishgarde. Susumono had met him at a bar at another hole in the wall. They have conducted some business with each other but seem to be on decent terms with one another.

Nonotome Tototome ( Friendly ) ( PC ) - Probably the best Nald'thal Priest
A priest of Nald'thal Susumono stumbled upon in Pearl Lane; as he was doing his usual business, this man was handing out free sandwiches. He found him interesting, and simply talked to him, and the talks that followed cemented him as an alright person; at least, in his mind. He has also heard of his prowess as a thaumaturge, and pines for a duel one of these days.

Nonope Nope ( Friendly ) ( PC ) - Probably the best a... fro.
A daughter of the priest of Nald'thal Susumono stumbled upon in Pearl Lane; no meeting particularly stuck with him, but after a failed attempt at trying to court the two followers of Oschon together, they have had a rather casual acquaintanceship upon subsequent meetings. Later on, they both had become disciples of Blue Magic who outgrew their teacher, and for a time, Nonope had taught Susumono her own form of martial arts.

Kuupa Koppa (Formerly Bennett Cooper) ( Good Friends ) ( PC ) - Kid Adventurer
A young adventurer he met in the alleyways of Pearl Lane. He worries this young man will perish before he ever reaches peak performance, so he often keeps tabs on him. He wasn't entirely wrong. Thankfully, (to his knowledge) he still thrives.

Sakeru Wakeru ( Good Friends ) ( PC ) - Definitely Not Sketchy Postman
Only known to Su as Bennett's closest friend, he often half-jokes about him being sketchy, only to be reminded of his particularly shady nature.

Nightshade Mistletoe ( Accquaintances) ( PC ) - Sharalayan B-List Scion:
Aside from being one of the most dull, drab spellcasters he had ever had the pleasure of working with, Su trusts them as a formidable ally, boasting some of the most impressive array of magic he's seen from any spellcaster he's met thus far.

Billy ( Property??? ) ( PC ) - Android...?
Gifted to him and Bennett by Romantica of Faire Industries, Billy is a lalafellin-like machine that learns as it partakes in daily life (and daily adventuring). He has not seen him lately.

Kitten Whiterose ( Good Friends ) ( PC ) - Baker Extraordinaire
A peculiar, big-boned, half-breed lalafellin that Su helped out by using his influence in the Arrzaneth Ossuary to retrieve information they were not able to access. They have been friends since.

O'hzi Yhitro ( Family ) ( PC ) - Part-Time "Hired Hand" and Student: A somewhat feral miqo'te that Susumono tried to get relatively cheap work out of (by paying her in raw meat), but ultimately it was a lost cause, and the situation turned into O'hzi freeloading and learning thaumaturgy from him. He still has yet to piece together exactly why things went down the way they did, but despite that, they are still close friends; perhaps bordering even more on family than friends.

Neli Neejahl ( Family ) ( PC ) - Part-Time Worker Ohzi's Sister/Caretaker: Perhaps a lot less feral and a lot less forward then her sister Ohzi, Neli had sought work upon the stories shared by her, and has been granted Susumono's blessing and perhaps a bit of pity for what she has to put up with.


"That lalafellin in the jester hat? I think I've seen posters strewn about Ul'dah for a potion shoppe under his name. Somewhere in the Goblet, if I recall properly.""I've seen him around with that Coral Pink chocobo of his. Doesn't seem like he has a great handle on his choice beast of burden.""Come to think of it, I've think I've seen that man peddling his wares in most of the cities I've been in. He must travel a lot.""...That weird arse? Yeah, I heard he got evicted from his apartment. Something about noise complaints and fumes. Don't quote me on that.""That guy? He actually hunts pretty often, doesn't he? I once heard that he took on a pack of marlboros in the Dravanian Hinterlands. It sounded like he had a lot of steam to burn off, if you ask me.""Susumono? That jester? You didn't hear this from me, but I heard that lalafellin took out a giant cactuar almost by his lonesome. Don't know how he managed it, just heard that it was over in a flash.""...Come to think of it, I remember an incident of a young, purple haired lalafell being attacked by an Orney Hammerbeak some odd years ago. Bird was blasted away clean by a thaumaturge of the guild, though I could not remember for the life of me what his name was.""..Him? I spotted a guy like that around Thavnair, come to think of it. He was working around those parts with the local alchemists. On par with them, too.""Think I saw someone like that digging around in the Old Sharalayan Archives for days, though I am not quite sure. Looked like he hadn't slept for ages, like most bookworms who go in there and come out sleep-deprived bench-warmers.""I swear, he lives outta that hat." -Some Kid In Red


Susumono is privy to the entire skill kit of thaumaturges and some of the blue mage skill kit, and can use his thaumaturgy with just about any weapon, but he, like many others, has a few unique tricks up his sleeve.[Heavy]:
A dark projectile orb of aether that is launched in pairs, which, upon impact, bursts into a dark mist, and causes the target's body weight to double for each hit.
Conjures a burst of wind which can be manipulated in a variety of non-lethal and lethal techniques; Su uses this to launch himself away from a target (or more often then not, at one).
Not the only En spell Su knows, but perhaps his most often used and most powerful spell; a simple cast of this wraps his current weapon in scathing, quick, and deadly winds which can push, slice, create distance between him and his assailant, parry attacks with ease and do much, much more.
Summons a light green mist that slightly heals the target while nullifying the existance of some ailments like poison, paralysis, heavy, curses, and much more. Useful in a pinch.
[Divine Lovers]:
A beam which intertwines umbral wind and umbral ice in a medley of speeding, destructive, double-helixed force; representative of Oschon and Menphina respectively. One of Su's most potent spells, but requires charging
[Oschon's Grasp]:
Su manipulates his Aero spell to encompass an object or person in umbral winds, allowing him to lift, throw, imprison, or crush the ensnared target. Enables him to lift heavier things, but requires maintained concentration.
[Wanderer's Arrow]: A wind-aspected spell that briefly summons an aetherical bow, which when fired, scatters multiple shots in all directions, as well as a few honed towards the intended target.[Wanderer's Cane]: A wind-aspected spell that briefly summons an aetherical staff which strikes the earth with a blast of wind aether, causing the earth below to shatter and shrapnel outwards, charged by magic.

Potion Shoppe

Head right on down to Lavender Beds; the one and only location of Susumono's Elixirs and Elements! Below is a list of potions Susumono has for sale that are unique to his stock. (Located OOCly in Lavender Beds Ward 2 Apartment Room 58)[Miqo'te's Guile] Description and Price: 2,000 gil.
Allows you to see people Invisible, Veiled, Cloaked, or otherwise. Only works for two minutes after imbibing. Will see through Emperor's New Lotion.
[The Emperor's New Lotion] Description and Price: 2,000 gil.
Rubbing this all over your skin will induce invisibility for thirty minutes a dose. Older variants of the potion required clothing to be stripped to work properly, but the recipe since then has been reiterated and improved, affecting the users belongings that are in close-contact as well.
[Tunnel Snake] Description and Price: 2,000 gil.
This potion will allow you to run extremely fast in one direction, but you will suffer a form of -tunnel vision- for ten seconds, and will be incapable of seeing anywhere aside from directly in front of yourself for ten seconds. Takes three seconds after drinking a dose to take full effect.
[Breath of Blood Pepper] Description and Price: 1,000 gil.
This bubbling, volatile red substance will allow you to launch a 20 ft cone of fire from your mouth for five seconds. You do not suffer any internal damage, but the concoction goes down like you'd expect a very potent hot sauce to go down. It is also recommended that you slam this particular potion, rather than slowly consuming it, or suffer some minor setbacks and consequences (like a very nasty heartburn).
[Hang-Never] Description and Price: 250 gil.
A hangover cure. May or may not work, but usually does; mileage varies.
[Confidence Potion] Description and Price: 250 gil.
A variant of the intelligence potion, this concoction boosts confidence by making you temporarily realize that life is short, and immensely boosting your focus and clarity of mind to overcome distractions. May induce panic in some users, immediately stop using if unintended or unwanted side-effects occur.
[Snake Oil] Description and Price: 500 gil.
An explosive concoction that, when struck by a fire spell, will amplify the explosion to a much greater magnitude. Dangerous to use unless the user is proficient in throwing incendiary weapons.
[Elemental Weapon Oil] Description and Price: 500 gil.
A weapon oil that conducts a large amount of aspected aether of one specific element, astral or umbral, for one hour. Comes in twelve different varieties.
[Rainbow Flashbang] Description and Price: 2,000 gil. A concoction that, when lobbed at a person, will temporarily disorient, blind, and befuddle it's target with over-saturated, bright colors. DO NOT DRINK.[Jester's Jolt] Description and Price: 1,500 gil. A very fizzy, fruity, berries and cream flavored soft drink which gives it's consumer a massive pep in their step and revitalizes their aether. Warning: Do not consume more than two a day. Drinking too many may result in crashing, loss of gusto, and potentially spontaneous sleep.